Illustration of children enjoying a river cruise

Eagle's Nest

February 23, 2024

Hear from the Head

TIS Family,  

I trust that you were able to have a wonderful and relaxing holiday during the Chinese New Year. My favorite part of the holiday is family time. I have wonderful memories from my childhood regarding holidays that I cherish still today, and I hope that I am providing those same joyful memories for my own children. Relaxing time with family is special, so if you were not able to do so, I do encourage you to look ahead to the next opportunity and intentionally do something with your children.

February is the month that LifePlus schools remember the importance of being persistent. Persistence is the quality that provides the strength to continue when circumstances are difficult and overwhelming. Persistence is often the difference maker between those that do achieve success and those that do not. Persistence is also a quality that can be directly linked to both internal and external factors that are necessary to move people toward succeeding.

VEX Robotics Tournament

Tianjin International School is excited to be hosting its tenth annual VEX Robotics tournament. This year we have thirty teams representing ten schools throughout China that are engaged in competition for an opportunity to participate in the VEX Robotics World Championships taking place in Dallas, Texas, USA later this Spring. A special thank you goes out to the Operational and Facilities teams that have worked together to make this event special for the students. Furthermore, I am thrilled to see the PTO involvement by many parents working positions in the event. Congratulations to all of our teams and their diligent work.

Enjoy the last week of February!

Ryan Witt

School Wide Announcements

MAP Testing Results

MAP Growth Reports from recent testing are available through “Doc Box” in your parent PowerSchool account. 

LifePlus VEX Robotics Tournament

Come and watch the finals of the VEX “Over Under” tournament tomorrow starting from 8:30 a.m. through 3:00 p.m. in the gymnasium.

Divisional News

ECC & Elementary

Guidance Counselor

AP Study help: Click here
SAT: March 9 – Sign up here
AP Testing Window: May 6-17
Senior Presentations: June 3-5

House Points Total

Secondary House Points
Elementary House Points

What’s Happening at TIS

Date Event
Feb. 23-24 LifePlus HS VEX Robotics in Tianjin
Feb. 29 - Mar. 2 MUNTAI
Mar. 1-3 DIMUN
Mar. 7 TIS MS Basketball v Wellington
Mar. 8 Women's Day
ISCOT HS Badminton
Mar. 11 TIS HS Soccer v IST
Mar. 14 TIS MS Basketball v IST
Mar. 15 TIS HS Soccer v Wellington
Mar. 15-16 LifePlus Fine Arts Festival
Mar. 21 TIS MS Basketball v TEDA
Mar. 21-23 Senior Departure Seminar
Mar. 23 ISCOT HS Badminton Tournament
Mar. 29 Quarter 3 Ends

Lunch Menu – February 26 - March 1

Day Menu
Monday Beef Burger. French Fries. Stir-fried Pork, Chicken, & Seafood. Cucumber & Eggs. Rice. Fresh Fruit.
Today’s Noodles: Beef Noodle in White Soup.
Tuesday Potato Casserole. Beef in Oyster Sauce. Fried Chicken Fillets. Bai Zhuo Chinese Kale. Rice. Fresh Fruit.
Today’s Noodles: Zha Jiang Noodles.
Wednesday French-style Fried Chicken. Stewed Beef Brisket with Tomato. Phoenix-tail Shrimp. Celery & Eggs. Rice. Fresh Fruit.
Today's Noodles: Pepper-flavored Beef Noodle.
Thursday Taco. Corn Chips. Chicken with Teriyaki Sauce. Sautéed Shredded Cabbage. Rice. Fresh Fruit.
Today's Noodles: Beef Noodle with Sour Soup.
Friday American-style Roast Chicken. Mixed Vegetables. Rou Long (Chinese-style Pork Roll). Tomato, Potato, & Egg. Rice. Fresh Fruit.
Today's Noodles: Pork Ribs Noodle.

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