Eagle's Nest

June 13, 2024

Hear from the Head

TIS Family,

Summer has arrived! If we didn’t already know that, the temperatures outside or our kids inside serve as good reminders. As we complete another successful year, I want to thank everyone within this community who makes this place special.

First-Year Families

I hope that this first year, or maybe just a few months, as part of our family has provided you with a place that will forever be considered home for you. If you are in this group, you represent more than one-third of our student population. Your unique contributions, even in such a short time, have made a significant impact. We are thrilled to have you, and thank you for the immediate contributions many of you made.

Two or More Year Families

Your steadfast presence and service to the community have been instrumental in maintaining our cherished traditions and initiating new ones. Together, we have fostered relationships that are vital for the ongoing development of our families' emotional and spiritual well-being. Your role in welcoming new members and supporting them in their transition is invaluable. You are all greatly appreciated.


You have worked long hours to ensure that our children continue to receive the education that prepares them for the future. Most importantly, though, you have loved them. You have loved them in ways that our children will not be loved by teachers elsewhere. You have created a special, safe, and supportive place for our children to learn; we will forever be grateful.

Office and Support Staff

You quietly make the wheels turn in this place to ensure that learning is possible. Without your daily commitment to serving the needs, cleanliness, safety, and organization of the school, we would be lost. As you work behind the scenes, please be assured that your work does not go unnoticed. You are a wonderful team that often knows our needs before we do. Thank you.


You are a team that humbly gets work done. You lead by example in the work that you do and the way you do it. I have been blessed in your service, and it is humbling to have the privilege to lead you. The life of this school flows through your veins. The passion that you bring to ensure decisions support learning is exemplified in the outcomes of our students. Well done!

For those who are leaving, you are welcome to come see us again. For the rest of you, we look forward to seeing you in the 2024 – 2025 school year!

School Wide Announcements

Thank you for a great 2023-2024 school year! We’re looking forward to seeing you again as we start our 2024-2025 school year on Tuesday, August 13. To those who are leaving, you will be missed by friends and teachers. We know you’ll do well wherever you go.

School shutdown week

The school campus will be closed from July 1 to 5. No one will be permitted to enter during this week.

Summer library hours

The library will be open during the summer on Mondays and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the following dates:

June 24, 27
July 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25

Summer gym hours

The gym will be open during the summer on the same days, times, and dates as the library (see above).

After-school hours gym-use policy is in place, that means a school staff member must be present. A sign-up sheet will be outside the gym, which must be completed. If you use the gym, please keep it and the surrounding areas clean and tidy.

House Points Total

Congratulations, House of Water, on winning the first-ever House Cup!

House Points

Recognized for excellence

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Tianjin International School is accredited by Cognia, the largest education improvement organization in the world—demonstrating our commitment to learners, teachers, leaders and communities.